No other payment provider makes it as easy as Coinsnap to offer Bitcoin Lightning payments in your store: In just a few minutes, with only 3 steps, and without any bureaucratic hurdles, you can start accepting Bitcoin Lightning right away.
To make it even easier for you, or to answer additional questions, we have provided a range of information here that should answer all your questions and help you quickly integrate Bitcoin Lightning payment:
1. Steps
1. Steps
Learn how to 1) create a Coinsnap account, 2) set up your Bitcoin Lightning wallet and 3) install and set up the Coinsnap plugin in just 3 steps.
... mоrе Backend
In the Coinsnap backend you will find all the information you need as a merchant for your Bitcoin Lightning sales. Get to know your Coinsnap backend here and understand what and how you can do with it!
... more API
Coinsnap provides developers with an API with which they can connect their systems to the Coinsnap payment system. You can find the complete API documentation from Coinsnap here:
... more FAQ
Here we answer all typical questions about selling with Coinsnap Bitcoin Lightning payment. If your question is not answered here, you can also fill out the contact form!
... more